Since I was teaching a lot of content about fall fruits and vegetables, I wrote a short song about fruits and vegetables with my guitar. This song is a complete original, which means that I wrote the song lyrics and created the melody using my voice, and the guitar. Here are the lyrics, so that you can follow along. Note. This video might take a while to load, but it is worth the wait. Click on the link.
Fruit and Veggies Song Link
Fruits and Veggies Song
Verse 1
I put tomatoes in my sandwich,
I put tomatoes in my stew.
What would I do without veggies?
What would I do without fruit?
Say what?
Verse 2
Onions, peppers, and anchovies should be placed on our HD screens
because we need to learn about nutrition. Says the dietitian!
Bell peppers, oranges, and kiwis all contain some vitamin C
that prevents us from contracting a sailor's disease
called scurvy, but don't worry.
Because we get nutrients and minerals in our food.
Fruit and veggies keep the doctor away, don't be afraid, I say.
Ba dada da da, dada, dada.
Ba dada da da, dada, dada.
Haha... nutrition has never been so cool! Thanks for sharing this and congratulations on the way you've applied your love of music to your teaching.